Friday, January 23, 2009

India, Part 2: Around Town

A colorful day at the Dhobi Ghat in Mumbai. It's like a big outdoor laundromat.

Children on the street looking for a few rupees.

And this is why Americans shouldn't be tempted to get the beautiful-looking colorful shaved ice treats at Chowpatty Beach (the ice delivery bike).

A paan vender. This legal, but additive, stuff always looks so enticing.

Another nice paan display at Chowpatty Beach in Mumbai.

Headed home from school.

Washing clothing and green channa on the canal.

I wish the tour guide's arm hadn't gotten in my way for this one--I just thought the contrast of traditional and modern was really interesting here. Note this is an English-language newspaper. This is in Mysore.

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