Saturday, May 31, 2008

Jasmine and Aurora

I'm home from Florida, and just getting caught up with my vacation photos and responding to the clients who wrote to me while I was gone. I start up with sessions again tomorrow, so look back for some previews in the next couple of days. But in the meantime I thought I'd share a few images of the little princesses. These comfortable, cotton princess dresses are made by my good friend Angela of Ollie Girl!. She and I worked closely to design this Jasmine dress because I knew that my little princesses wouldn't like the traditional Jasmine pants costume, and would prefer a dress.

1 comment:

Carla said...

Oh I think I need to be calling her! My little girl is going to need a Disney Princess costume, and I'm not thrilled with the idea of satin and "costume" that Disney store usually provides!

Beautiful girls you have!